r-hGH (13 Offers)

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Lab Tested
US Domestic & International
Dragontropin 10 IU
Dragon Pharma, Europe

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 IU/vial
Presentation: 1 kit [10 Vials]
Form: Powder
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Lab Report

275.00 USD  
Genotropin 16 IU
Pfizer, Turkey

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 16 IU - 5.3 mg
Presentation: 1 Pre-filled Pen for Injection
Manufacturer: Pfizer

195.00 USD  
US Domestic & International
Genotropin 36 IU
Pfizer, Turkey

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 36 IU - 12 mg
Presentation: 1 Pre-filled Pen for Injection
Manufacturer: Pfizer

350.00 USD  
Norditropin 45 IU Cartridge
Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 15 mg / 1.5 mL
Presentation: 1 Cartridge
Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk

330.00 USD  
Somatropin 100 IU
Stealth Labs

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 IU/vial
Presentation: 1 kit [10 Vials]
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA

240.00 USD  
Lab Tested
Somatropin 360 IU
Stealth Labs

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 36 IU/vial
Presentation: 10 Vials
Manufacturer: Stealth Labs USA
Lab Tested: View Lab Report
Shipped Without Label!

600.00 USD  
Kalpatropin 10 IU
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 IU/mL
Presentation: 1 kit [10 x 10 mL Vials]
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Out of stock
Kalpatropin 20 IU
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 20 IU/mL
Presentation: 1 kit [10 x 10 mL Vials]
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Out of stock
British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 IU/vial
Presentation: 1 kit [10 Vials]
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

Out of stock
Axotropin 10 IU

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 IU/vial
Presentation: 1 kit [10 Vials]
Manufacturer: Axiolabs

Out of stock
Gerotrop 10 IU

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 IU/mL
Presentation: 1 kit [10 x 1 mL Vials]
Manufacturer: Rise

Out of stock
Norditropin 15 IU Cartridge
Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 5 mg / 1.5 mL
Presentation: 1 Cartridge
Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk

Out of stock
Norditropin 30 IU Cartridge
Simplex Novonordisk, Turkey

Somatropin (r-hGH)
Potency: 10 mg / 1.5 mL
Presentation: 1 Cartridge
Manufacturer: Novo Nordisk

Out of stock

Main Properties of r-hGH

  • Accelerates protein synthesis
  • Anti-catabolic effect
  • Fat burning effect
  • Strengthens the musculoskeletal system
  • Helps to build high quality muscle mass


Human Growth Hormone (hGH) has an anabolic effect that promotes muscle growth and increase its shape. This drug also burns excess fats very effectively. It can be taken by both men and women. It is completely safe and not capable of causing serious side effects.

hGH has a positive effect on the state of the body in general. It helps to slow the aging of the body and improves well-being. This drug is good in that it strengthens tendons and cartilage, and also increases strength characteristics.

Athletes are very pleased with its availability and the result, which is easy enough to keep. This drug has almost only advantages rather than disadvantages, which makes it very popular in bodybuilding.

Another significant advantage of this drug is its ability to combine with other anabolic and steroid agents.

It is contraindicated in people with diabetes or with thyroid problems.

The result will depend on regular training and proper nutrition.

r-hGH Steroid Cycle

Here we will indicate several basic ways of its application. In weightlifting, this is a cycle lasting 2–3 months for 10–15 IUs per day. Depending on your goals, the growth hormone should be supplemented with appropriate preparations to increase weight, for example Sustanon 500 mg per week and Dianabol 40-50 mg per day, all this for 8 weeks, then the Test P for two weeks at a dosage of 300-400 per week and then PCT.

To get a good shape, the cycle may look like this: Growth hormone 3 months 10 IUs per day, Winstrol (50 mg every other day), Testosterone Propionate (100 mg every other day), Winstrol and Test P for 8 weeks.

After this cycle, PCT with Nolvadex is done. This kit can be supplemented with fat burners such as Clenbuterol or T-3.

It is also used with great success on bridges between cycles (10 IUs per day for two months), this allows you to save the typed form on a powerful cycle of steroids and restore the body during this time.

If your dosages are higher than 15 IUs per day, then insulin must be used, it is needed to reduce the load on pancreas. The optimal dosage of insulin is 5 IUs before each meal.

The contents of the vial are mixed with the solvent that comes with the kit.

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