None was needed. If I ever have a question maha answersin a very quick manner.
Shipping Speed
Products were received very quickly. Let me state that my products were received before he started with doing all of his brewing international. At least this is what I believe.
Shipping Speed
2 test prop 100. Products were excellent. Very smooth with little to no pip at all. I thought with the mg/ml being 100 that I would have a lot of pup. To my surprise I had pretty much none. The oily face and back began very quickly and I even had to bump my usual dose of my ai up a little due to nipple itching. Strength and libido went up quickly as well just like it should from any test prop. I used one vial in the beginning of my cycle and one at the end so hard to say exactly what muscle growth I experienced from the prop alone, but it Definetly kept everything running smooth and had no drops.Very pleased with the product. Smooth and of good quality IMO. Will Definetly use maha again in the future.
Maha Pharma is a strong advocate of customer privacy and as such we are committed to meeting or exceeding the privacy standards established by International's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
Services provided by: Maha Pharma Inc., Europe
Pharmacy licensed in Europe by the EU Pharmaceutical Association, License #32162
I received my products very fast.