Stanozolol tablets
Potency: 50 mg/tablet
Presentation: 50 tablets
Manufacturer: Maha Pharma
Drug class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active life: 9 Hours
Chemical structure: 17α-Methyl-17β-hydroxy-[5α]-androst-2-eno[3,2-c]pyrazole
Common doses: 10-20 mg/day
Blood pressure: Perhaps
Acne: Yes
Water retention: No
Aromatisation: No
Decrease HPTA function: None
Winstrol 50 by Maha Pharma is one of the most popular forms of oral stanozolol release. It is a synthetic anabolic steroid with moderate androgenic effects.
This drug helps inhibition of catabolytic changes and the production of corticosteroids in the body. It activates anabolic processes and leads to a significant increase in muscle mass. Its action is aimed at improving the supply of calcium to bones, which gives them firmness, as well as improving the quality of tissue nutrition.
It is similar in its principle of action to Winstrol 50 (in connection with the same active substance - stanozolol). In some literary sources, one can find a description of Winstrol 50, which is often referred to as oral Winstrol. This is not a completely correct comparison, but in some cases is more or less appropriate.
Winstrol 50 is the latest development of the pharmaceutical company Maha Pharma. If you take into account reviews on Internet, this drug has proven itself, including when used with other steroids. This confirms the excellent quality of the products from Maha Pharma.
Its use for sports purposes contributes to intense training, even during the cutting period, when athlete's body experiences a huge calorie deficiency. Its admission provides high-quality and rapid growth of muscle mass while reducing body fat.
The price of Winstrol 50 is affordable for everyone, which makes it even more attractive to customers. In addition, this drug provides the necessary nutrition for body tissues, increases the calcium content in bone tissues and helps to preserve elements that are important for the athlete's healthy state. This anabolic is very popular in bodybuilding, which is explained by its ability to retain such essential elements in the body as sodium, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.
The opinions of experienced athletes and reviews of athletes on network indicate that this steroid has a moderate effect on body when compared with more potent steroids. Despite this, it is really a wonderful drug, which is suitable for building effective muscles and increasing strength indicators.
Winstrol 50 has a long history. A drug with a similar active substance was synthesized in the mid-fifties of the last century. Initially, it was presented in two forms - tablet and injection. In the 70s, this drug was produced by the company "Winthrop" and was called Winstrol. Already in the 80s, this predecessor of modern analogs gained immense popularity among athletes and many sports achievements of that time were associated with its regular admission.
The optimal steroid dosage is 40 mg per day. To buy Winstrol 50 can be recommended for athletes taking high doses of stanozolol (up to 60-100 mg / day). This will help reduce the number of tablets taken daily.
It is worth noting the excellent compatibility of its active substance with other steroids. So, to increase strength indicators, this drug can be used in conjunction with Anavar. This combination is often used by athletes who do not want additional weight gain, but an increase in strength indicators.
It is also often combined with drugs of progestogen activity, which include Deca 300 and Anadrol. This course helps to suppress progestogenic activity and avoid the risk of gynecomastia, as well as such an undesirable accumulation of water. In addition, during the "drying" period, it can be combined with Tren A 100, Tren E 200, Halotestin, EQ 300, Mast E 200 or Primobolan 100.
This drug differs from other steroids in that when it is taken, the risk of various side effects is minimal. If an athlete knows how to take Maha Pharma's Winstrol 50 and does not abuse the recommended dosage, he may not be afraid of an adverse reaction of the body to this drug.
Statements on network indicate the safety of this anabolic in cases where it has not been used for longer than defined by the instructions and recommendations. Among the side effects that rarely manifest themselves, one can single out a negative effect on kidneys and liver, as well as a decrease in level of testosterone in the body.
The main side effects of Winstrol 50 with prolonged use are pain in the joints and ligaments, which is caused by the peculiarity of Stanozolol to remove water from body. Therefore, a course of stanozolol should be careful with large weights and not delay the course for more than 6 weeks, and if pain occurs, stop taking it at all (you can immediately replace it with Dianabol, which, on the contrary, retains water and is anti-inflammatory). Also, to smooth out this property, combinations with Deca 300 are used, which protects joints and ligaments from damage, which is what love powerlifters, weightlifters and others.
This drug can provoke increased hair growth on hands or face and hair loss on the head, up to baldness. Side effects also often occur when athletes take fake Winstrol. On our site, you can only purchase original drugs that will help you achieve your desired result.
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