Cut Stack 150
Injectable Solutions

Cut Stack 150

65.00 USD

Pre-Mixed Steroid Cycle
- Drostanolone Propionate (50 mg)
- Testosterone Propionate (50 mg)
- Trenbolone Acetate (50 mg)
Potency: 150 mg/mL
Presentation: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Maha Pharma

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U.S. Domestic

Cut Stack 150 Detailed

Cut Stack 150 [150 mg Drost P, Test P, Tren A] by Maha Pharma

Drug class: Injectable Anabolic Steroid
Active life: 2-3 Days
Chemical structure: -
Common doses: 500-750 mg/week
Blood pressure: Perhaps
Acne: Yes
Water retention: No
Aromatisation: Yes
Decrease HPTA function: -

Cut Stack 150 by Maha Pharma is a powerful and unique short-acting steroid - the right dosage, which in turn allows you to achieve stunning results in the shortest possible time.

This mix will replace a full-fledged, high-quality steroid cycle, which in turn will significantly save money and reduce the frequency of injections.

It is taken by bodybuilders, weightlifters and triathletes to increase muscle mass and strength indicators. It is very effective solo and in conjunction with other steroids.


Cut Stack 150 exceeds the anabolic activity of testosterone by 5 times. You will not loose gained muscle mass after the end of cycle. For an 8-week course of use, this drug allows you to achieve a weight gain of 5 to 7 kg.

Cut Stack 150 also has a beneficial effect on strength performance of athletes and their endurance. It is ​​also used for power indicators of athletes during preparation for competition.

Together with proper nutrition, it promotes formation of high-quality muscle mass with distinctly vascularity. During this cycle, libido may be enhanced.

Usage and Dosage

Novice athletes are advised to take a short cycle of 6 weeks. The safe dosage range is between 150 and 450 mg per week. Post-cycle therapy is carried out 14 days after the cycle according to the standard scheme.

Combination With Other Steroids

For cutting and forming high-quality muscle shape, combine it with Winstrol or Anavar.

Side Effects and Contraindications

Maha Pharma's Cut Stack 150 should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Excessive doses may cause insomnia, high blood pressure, and oily skin. Some athletes may be concerned about the red color of urine, but this is not a sign of kidney damage, but only evidence of metabolites release from the body.

It is a popular and powerful drug used in all serious anabolic cycles.

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Cut Stack 150 Reviews
Mar 17, 2020 (11:11)

3mg weekly. This rates at the top. Great product. Thank you maha I will be back for more

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